<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/24b15058-7260-4f42-9d64-0796a6c3ff8c/new-order-icon-256px.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/24b15058-7260-4f42-9d64-0796a6c3ff8c/new-order-icon-256px.png" width="40px" /> Welcome to New Order Academy, the one-stop shop for learning and joining our DAO.



What is New Order?

New Order is a community-led incubation DAO that builds startups at the frontier of decentralized finance. We incubate and launch projects while also accelerating early-stage DeFi protocols.

New Order acts as a co-founder and works directly with teams by leveraging and deploying our network of developers, researchers, and business development experts. Our vision is to create the next generation of DeFi protocols by building alongside future leaders in the space and contributing intensively to innovative projects.

How does New Order launch projects?

<aside> 🏗️  Incubation


<aside> 🚀 Acceleration


Through incubation, we build projects from the ground up (concept phase to a successful launch). No matter if the concept originated from internal research or from external applications, we provide all of the necessary resources to go-to-market faster and more effectively.

Working through a full project launch requires a massive amount of human capital, resources, and time. Because of this, we’ve been selective with what projects we decide to incubate — only choosing DeFi concepts of the highest quality.

Incubated Projects

We’ve partnered with the industry’s leading Web3 accelerator, Outlier Ventures, to launch its first DeFi Accelerator Program — DeFi Base Camp.

The 3 month Accelerator Program is catered towards projects past the concept phase and offers a leading DeFi mentor & investor network, an optional interest free loan, expertise in token design, fundraising, business planning, pitch practice, legal, marketing support, and more

Similar to Incubation, quality is of utmost importance and we plan to only select 6-10 projects per cohort.

Completed Cohorts

<aside> ❓ For more information on the differences between Incubation and Acceleration, read here.


Why an Education Hub?

We understand that crypto, blockchain, DeFi, Web3, etc. can be very technical and off-putting, particularly for those who haven't yet went down the rabbit hole. Public awareness and education can bring more attention and interest to projects like New Order by providing information in a form that is digestible yet informative.

Onboard into our DAO

Apply as a Contributor

New Order operates through a SubDAO organization model, where internal work-streams are divided by function to allow for effective and decentralized operations.

Below are the following SubDAOs available for applicants:





Join the work server here.

Apply as an Early-Stage Project

As mentioned above, New Order provides two opportunities for early-stage projects. If you missed it, click here.

If interested having New Order as a Co-Founder, apply for Incubation here.

If interested in getting your project accelerated, apply for DeFi Base Camp here.

Apply as a Founder-in-Residence

At New Order, there are plenty of opportunities for individuals to become a founder-in-residence for one of our many incubated projects in the pipeline — technical or non-technical.

If interested in spearheading the next generation of DeFi projects, apply here.

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